Hashima FAQ



Q: 雪蛤的營養成分?

A: 雪蛤主要成份:蛋白質含量高達 51.1%-52.6% (雪蛤油蛋白質含量高達約 56% ) 、脂肪 4% 、礦物質 4.7% ,並含有人體所需的 18 種氨基酸、蛙醇(膽醇)、不飽和脂肪酸(亞油酸、亞麻酸等)、核酸、磷脂化合物、多種維生素(A、B、C、D、E等 ) 和鉀、鈣、鐵、磷、鎂、錳、硒等 13 種微量元素。 雪蛤同時富含EGF(表皮生長因子)能幫助皮膚細膩白皙、細胞再生,及少量有益人體的天然激素睾酮、雌二醇、孕酮等。

Q: Is hashima expensive?

A: Home-prepared, dried hashima is actually quite a bargain. High quality hashima may expand dozens of times the original volume. So 37.5g can last a month, with a bowl each day. On average a bowl of home-prepared hashima costs approximately 60NTD while the same dish may go for 200~400NTD in classy restaurants.



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